NMAD COVID-19 - Asalatul Update
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Allah in His infinite mercies forgive all sins. But He says He doesn't forgive the offence of dying upon shirk or anything amounting to it. Allah is certain in His promises and He will not be unjust to anyone.
Salam alykum waramatullahi wabarakatuh,
In light of COVID-19 and the recent declaration of health emergency in multiple counties in the State of Texas especially Dallas and its surrounding counties, the leadership of our association met to discuss our action and have come up with the following decisions in the best interest of our membership and in accordance to Islamic teachings:
- All Jumaah and Assalatu activities are suspended for the rest of the month of March 2020
- The leadership is activating the organization's Facebook page for Assalatu Sunday program (details to come soon)
- Encourage our membership to stay calm and safe. Adopt all the safety guidelines released by the government.
- Please share this message to all members you know are not on this platform or association Facebook.
We pray that Allah (swt) protect us all from this and all diseases. Amin.
Ibrahim Badaru For NMAD Leadership